Following Beauty Knows No Pain and The Mysteries of Love accused of plagiarism, TVB plagiarizes again. This time it's Mainland popular drama Dwelling Narrowness, the TVB version will start next month tentatively titled Men & Women Chooses Residence. The four leading stars Linda Chung, Joyce Tang, Ron Ng and Michael Tse will be entangled in a relationship, while Michael Miu and Sonjia Kwok are a pair. In the series, Linda's role is almost exactly the same as Dwelling's "Hai Zao", both is not hesitant to make immoral transactions to get up top.
Nelson Cheung, the series producer, responded to the obvious plagiarism, he does not feel it's a problem: "Have to share and promote the good stuff. The new series is about housing conflicts. Shanghao and Hong Kong are the same, citizens living in houses face personal problems and the series reveals a secret to the Hong Kong viewers."
As for Linda who is busy filming for Yes Sir, No Sir earlier said yesterday that she already got the Dwelling Narrowness DVDs and plans to watch the series after work: "Producer said this clearly, told me to put in the effort and watch Hao Zao's character. (Obvious plagiarism?) I am talking about artists, it is our responsibility to act out the role well."