
Linda received big gift, screams with surprise.

Yesterday Linda Chung held a signing event for her newly released album ‘My Private Selection.’ Many fans were there at the event supporting their idol and many bought gifts for Linda. Some fans surprised her with a keyboard as a present for her birthday on 9th April. Linda surprised and yelled: “These young people bought me such a big present, I feel embarrassed I received this present. It's a coincident that I am currently learning to play the piano and hope to improve my career.” 

Recently the media had spread rumours about Linda and Philip Ng. Asked if Philip asked her out to celebrate her birthday, Linda seemed reluctant to reply directly: “Normally friends will just meet up for drinks” (Celebrate your birthday?) “Not necessary!”

Finally Linda made wishes: “I wish that Japan and China recover from their tragedies. My family has a peaceful life and wish my friends and family happiness and good health. We cannot predict what is coming around the corner, especially natural disasters. I don’t want to wish for any materialistic things.”

