With more and more “Big Brothers” and “Big Sisters” leaving TVB, the company can only focus on promoting its own “Daughter and Sons”. A few months back, TVB broadcasted the drama Yes Sir Sorry Sir, which had Moses Chan and Tavia Yeung as the leading actor and actress respectively. The TV ratings peaked at 38 points, and this was during the scene when the “scoundrel” Moses Chan breaks up with Linda Chung. Linda’s subsequent break down caused the audience to cry along with her, and even caused the originally “Hot Property” Moses Chan to become labelled as a “scoundrel”. Both the TV ratings and the number of hits on the TVB website for watching the drama increased. Due to the positive and enthusiastic response from the audience for Yes Sir Sorry Sir, TVB decided to support her heavily to become the next “Big Sister”.
Since winning the “Most Improved Female Artiste” Award in 2006, Linda has received several TVB award nominations through the years, but unfortunately to date she does not seem to be destined to win the “Best Actress” Award. There are reports pointing out that TVB has already allocated the “My Favourite Female Character” Award to Linda Chung, and on top of that, the company has tailor-made the drama Miss Koo 2 for her, hoping that Linda will follow the footsteps of Laughing Gor (Michael Tse) – Miss Koo and Linda will become synonymous for each other. Linda’s popularity will rise, propelling her up the ranks in TVB.
Although in recent years Linda Chung has been involved in countless dramas, she has only been a supporting actress in dramas which have received public acclaim, for example her role as “Sheung Joi Sum” in Heart of Greed and even the role of “Miss Koo”, which made her famous overnight, was a 2nd leading actress role. However, due to TVB’s careful arrangements this year, Linda has gradually become a “Big Sister”, and TVB has even tailor-made a new series for her – Miss Koo 2, as well as arranging the popular Bosco Wong to become her partner in the drama.
Actually this is not Linda and Bosco’s first collaboration. Linda was stuck when choosing a relationship between either Raymond Fund or Bosco Wong in Moonlight Resonance. The plot made the audience become very anxious. However, in the end, Linda chose Raymond’s character over Bosco. The two then collaborated again in The Gem of Life. In this drama, Linda’s character loved to mess around with other people’s feelings. Despite this, Bosco’s character still fell in love with her, although in the end Linda fell in love with Wong Hei’s character instead and Bosco and Linda’s relationship did not take off.
It is a shame that Linda and Bosco’s relationship in new drama Miss Koo 2 will also not have a happy ending. According to reports, Linda will be portraying a rich girl and Bosco will be a policeman who is in charge of protecting witnesses. Having to protect Linda every day, the two start to fall in love with each other. However, due to the unwritten rule that the policeman in charge cannot be in a relationship with the witness, the two loved each other but in the end were unable to develop their relationship any further. It looks as though Linda will have a breakthrough with her leading role; however she will still not be able to escape from fate- loving Bosco, but unable to be with him.