"Linda was the first one to get sick, and she keeps working everyday. She is probably the one who spreads it out," he said.
In fact, Linda has been sick for more than a month. As for she is accused of spreading flu virus, she just treats it like a joke, but still worries whether she is the one who caused many people to get sick.
"They're all blaming on me now," she joked. "But it's true that I was the first one to get sick. Besides Sunny and Bowie, staff behind-the-scene are sick, too."
Although she already went to the doctors three times, she still didn't get any better and it's affecting her to speak during filming. Sunny is even worst: he can't speak.
"I lost my voice. I had to pretend I was speaking on-screen, then voice over later. Good that I'm alright now," the actor said.