
Linda Chung played many basketball matches in her school days

Linda Chung has always been seen as a soft spoken and gentle girl. Little did we know that when she was in school, she was a very keen athlete. Apart from being a good runner in the track, she was also in the school basketball team. She played so many basketball matches, no wonder she is so tall!

Linda Chung is hoping to get her clothes sponsored

Since Linda Chung has become a singer, she has been paying a lot of attention to what she wears. She is well known for being careful with money, but she suddenly spent thousands of dollars to buy 3 to 4 one-piece dresses for her spring collection to upgrade her image as a singer. However, Linda is hoping she would get some sponsors who like her new image and sponsor her outfits. That way, she would save even more money!

Linda Chung still wins 1.5 music award despite contract ended

Although Linda Chung's contract with her record company Star Entertainment has ended, last night she still won a 1.5 award depending on her new song "明爭暗鬥" and duet with Stephanie Cheng "愛得起" at the JSG Selections Round 1. She frankly said that she never thought that she'll get this award because she doesn't have confidence for her singles. TVB is currently still discussing contract renewal plans with Star Entertainment, there should be a decision very soon. 

Asked if her contract renewal is not confirmed, is it because of the recent executive changes in Start Entertainment that affected the decision? Linda said: "Up to TVB to decide. I don't know now, I'll be happy if the contract renewed and I can still continue to release albums. To maintain popularity, I hope to continue with my music career." Have she asked Raymond Lam about her contract issues? Linda said that she didn't and feels that contract issues are confidential, should not talk about it with anyone.

Linda Chung Implies Raymond Lam Does Not Meet Boyfriend Criteria

Filming an advertisement for tissue brand, Zenses, Linda Chung Ka Yan demonstrated how to make a carnation from the tissue. Although this Sunday will be Mother’s Day, Linda said that her mother will not come to Hong Kong until June. Hopefully, next year, Linda will be able to celebrate the holiday with her mother in a timely manner!

What gift will Linda give to her mother as a [belated] Mother’s Day gift? Linda’s mother will be happy as long as Linda is happy. The best gift is to offer her reassurance.

In Linda’s early career, Linda’s mother travelled to Hong Kong three times a year in order to look after her. Since Mrs. Chung does not have many friends in Hong Kong, Linda requested her mother to stay in Canada more often in order to spend time with her father.

If Linda has a boyfriend to take care of her, perhaps Mrs. Chung would worry less? Linda laughed that if she has a boyfriend, her mother would worry more, since she would always want to protect her.

What tips did Mrs. Chung share with Linda in selecting a boyfriend? Linda replied that the man must love his parents, such as her own father. Does rumored romantic interest, Raymond Lam Fung, resemble Mr. Chung? Linda said, “No.” She praised her father for being calm and able to protect the people around him. He is very pure and will say “Yes” to everything.

Did Raymond say “No” to Linda? She laughed, “I don’t know! Why don’t you ask him!”

Linda Chung's height thanks to milk

Linda Chung was attending an event for a particular milk brand. While testing the ideal taste of milk for 3 children, she bended her body and asked the children to feed her the drink. She expressed that she is a milk lover since young. When she was 12 years old, she was the shortest in her class. It could have been because of the milk and regular exercise that caused her height to increase. She also revealed that she is currently busy filming her new series. She plays a bowling trainer which is something different compared to her previous roles.

Linda Chung was hurt by seashell at the beach

Earlier, Linda Chung became the ambassador for a tissue brand. It was said that she wanted more styles, such as riding on an OL motorcyclist, modern females, and energetic and youthful style. She expressed that she liked the motorcyclist style the most, she said, " I feel that riding on a scooter( mian yang zai) looks very smart and cool."

When shooting a beach scene, her leg was hurt by a seashell, but she was professional, bearing the pain. After putting on plasters, she continued her shooting.

Linda Chung denies having a crush on Steven Ma

Linda Chung attended the "Ghost Writer" promotional event. Towards the rumors that Carlos Ng breaking out the news that she has a crush on Steven Ma, Linda said: "Of course not. When I was shooting this series, my health wasn't well. (Carlos Ng teased that you couldn't get out of character?) I am able to get out every time, I get out of character very well too! (Did Steven and Fala Chen team up to bully you?) No, I am good friends with both of them. Absolutely no such thing."

Also, Linda expressed that for Father's Day she has already prepared a gift, but will first call her father in Vancouver to say "I Love You!"